UZIN references

UZIN references

Successful costumer projects

Products from UZIN are for universal use: whether in daycare centres, hotels, or office complexes. The various forms of range of use pose a multitude of challenges for our customers. Learn more here about how our customers with UZIN products have successfully overcome these challenges.

Building types

Educational institutions

Whether a daycare centre, a school, or a university - all educational facilities offer their visitors plenty of space and have to withstand heavy traffic. UZIN offers solutions for new buildings, updating, and refurbishment that meet all requirements - environmentally friendly adhesives that contribute to a healthy indoor climate (with the eco-labels Emicode EC1 Plus and the Blue Angel), fast and extremely hard-wearing screeds that offer support in optimum planning, and many more.

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Office and management

Topics like environmental consistency and indoor climate, along with worker safety, play an important role in building and refurbishing offices and administrative buildings. Products from UZIN offer you time-saving, environmentally friendly solutions for all resilient and textile types of floor covering, as well as for wood flooring.
Our references will give you a first impression. Take a look.

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Hotel and catering

Hotels and restaurant operations captivate with their ambience and sophisticated interior design. The first impression is crucial to setting up the feel-good factor. The floors need to stay looking beautiful for a long time, there can’t be any unpleasant smells, and renovations need to happen quickly. These are the owner’s requirements.
UZIN meets these requirements and offers optimum solutions for long-term, low-emission installation of floor coverings - even for fast renovation.

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Public building

The floors in public buildings like museums are always exposed to heavy traffic. These areas that see high levels of stress require firm substrates that can withstand without effort. UZIN offers fast, reliable, and ecological products that meet all requirements. Even special challenges, such as height levelling within buildings protected as historic monuments on small areas, do not present a problem for UZIN - thanks to the novel UZIN Turbolight system.

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Care facility

Fast, noise- and dirt-free renovations are especially important in highly frequented clinics and care facilities. Here, UZIN’s product range offers you a solution with Sigan, a switchTec® bonding technology product for renovating PVC, cushioned vinyl, rubber, and textile floor coverings.

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Shop and store fixture

Fast, customised solutions are priorities in shops and store fixtures. Here’s where UZIN products come into play. We offer you innovative installation systems that meet your special requirements: Solutions for fast renovation during store operations, the perfect aesthetic for your luxury floor, or refurbishing your old flooring surfaces.
One of our product solutions for your store is Sigan, the latest generation of switchTec® bonding technology, which can help install 100 m² of flooring in just six hours. Your long-term advantage: The floor can be removed quickly and without leaving residue next time renovations are done.

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Sports complexes

The topics of impact sound and fire protection are regular concerns in public buildings, particularly highly frequented sports facilities. In addition, the sturdiness of the flooring and floor structures plays a not insignificant role.
The system solutions from UZIN offer you environmentally friendly, long-term, high-wearing products for your project.

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Residential buildings

Time constraints are often a major factor in the housing construction sector, especially in new buildings. By contract, impact sound insulation, weight reduction, and height adjustment play a big role in old buildings. UZIN offers time-saving system solutions to provide you with great support in your project.

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Frank Zaumsegel
Technical Customer Service Export

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Installation systems for screeds, floors and wood flooring

Machinery and special tools for substrate preparation and installation of floor coverings

Complete product range for installation, renovation and maintenance of wood flooring

Resin and cementitious floor finishes combining performance and design

Installation systems for tiling and natural stone

High quality painting, plastering and drywalling tools